Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Hurt = Love = Bullshit.

Yapp, life is full of shit. Kadang bingung sendiri sama orangtua yang umurnya udah 70-an, tapi masih bisa keliatan sehat & bahagia. Sementara orang-orang seumuran gue aja stress dikit langsung ngomong "pengen mati."
Kadang gue sendiri pun pengen banget nanya ke mereka yang udah tua. Penasaran, gimana caranya mereka bisa ngelepasin semua masalah padahal umurnya udah lebih dari setengah abad..
Ada yang bilang; "sometime what you love the most can be hurt you so much."
Artinya; Terkadang hal yang paling lo sayang bisa jadi hal yang paling nyakitin.
Who's agree? Yaa bisa dibilang untuk seumuran gue, cinta bisa sangat membutakan. Orang tua masih bisa nyebut cinta diumur 15 adalah cinta monyet.. Terserah lah sama orang tua yg berpendapat macem22 yang jelas cinta di seumuran gue tuh sangat nyakitin.
Di seumuran gue tuh ya, cemburu dikit langsung ngambek nangis2. Trus kalo ga diperhatiin atau gak di tanya "udah makan belum?" pasti langsung berantem. Bisa disimpulkan cinta diseumuran gue tuh cinta ter-lebay di seumur hidup.
Di seumuran gue pun kadang selalu ngomong "aku sayang banget sama kamu. aku gabakalan selingkuh, gabakalan ninggalin kamu untuk selamalamanya.". Kadang, gue bisa aja percaya sama kata2 gituan untuk sesaat, tapi di akhirnya, rasa bosan, jenuh, pengen putus tuh yaa udah pasti.
Kenapa sih kadang cinta bisa nyakitin banget2an? Apalagi kalo lo ngeliat orang yang lo sayang malah bahagia sama orang lain, bukan sama lo. Ya that's life, being suxx but you should said to yourself "bahagia untuk ngeliat orang lain bahagia tuh sangat bahagia."
Kadang juga cinta bisa bikin orang gemuk jadi kurus, orang normal jadi gila, orang sehat jadi sakit, orang kaya jadi miskin. Ya kalo cinta nya kayak gitu, jelas aja namanya bukan true live. Banyak bgt yang bilang "true love is hurts". Hurts? True love? Gimana bisa dibilang true love kalo nyakitin..
Mau tau true love tuh kayak apa? Orang sakit jadi sembuh, orang terpuruk jadi bahagia, dan kalau emg mereka true love, gabakalan ada kata2 memanfaatkan satu sama lain. Okelah kalo dia nangis sekali atau dua kali. Nah kalo tiap hari, apa masih bisa dibilang true love?
Sekarang, pertanyaan terbesar gue adalah; apa perlu mempertahankan seseorang yang terus2an bikin lo nangis, kecewa & stress?

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011


Quote Of The Day, via: Twitter & weheartit.

----- "@ispeakfemale: 'I never meant to hurt you.' 'Well, i never meant to fall in love with you, but i guess we all make mistakes."
Very very AGREEE!!I ryl ryl nvr meant to fall in love with you.. and yes, i guess i made a mistakes to fall in love with you.

----- "@ispeakfemale: I bet that one day when you're alone, you'll look back and think to yourself; "Man, She really cared, and i just walk away."
Yessss.. Asssss. I really2222 want you to think that. i want u regret for what u've did to me dudeee!

---- "Relationship last long not because they're destined to last long. Relationship last long because two brave people made it as their choice"
I want him to be brave. And i want i'm braver enough to face this reality. Its hurt of being ur boyfriend. But i'll try to make our relationship last long.

---- "It sad to see that two close people don't recognize each other anymore. Not because they grew up, but because they grew apart."
YESSS! I'm agree. very agree. and its so sad if that bad things is happen with me.



Siapa sih yg mau disalahin? Bukan gue pastinya. Tapi ya terpaksa gue hrs mau disalahin demi org yg gue sayang.
Bener-bener capek disalahin. Bener-bener capek untuk minta maaf & memaafkan.
Berbulan-bulan nungguin orang yg gue sayang, giliran gue dapetin tuh org, ternyata kejadiannya sama-sama juga. gue yg nangis2, gue yg galau, gue yg harus selalu minta maaf duluan padahal itu salah lo.
Harus bener-bener sabar sayang sama lo. Kalo org blg gue yg lebay, silahkan deh lo lo semua yg nyobain pacaran sm dia. Sumpah... sakit bgt.
Sakit hatinya polllllll. Setiap salah lo, harus gue maafin terus2an. Sementara tiap kesalahan kecil gue aja lo maafinnya lama be tot.
"Ya kita putuss" bercandaan kayak gt tuh super tai. kalo gk bisa bercanda mending gk usah bercanda lah.
Kadang gue mikir....
"Kalo gue udah gk kuat, kenapa gk gue putusin aja ya?"
Kata putus tuh ribet bgt. Apalagi kalo sayangnya udh lebih dr 4 bulan. Sayang sampe 4 bulan aja bnr2 udah alhamdulillah, nah ini... sayangnya hampir 9 bulan, jadiannya baru 1 bulan yg lalu. how funny?
Setelah jadian jg lo yg kebanyakan egois & gue yg kebanyakan maafin.
gue gk nyalahin lo karna lo super egois loh, gue cuma blg lo "KEBANYAKAN" egois.
Maaf22 aja.. Sayang setiap org bisa berkurang. apalagi dgn sifat lo yg super keras. Jadi, if i'm stop loving u, its really2 ur turn to understand me.

Gk bisa selamanya aku yg harus ngertiin kamu, ada saatnya km hrs ngertiin aku.

with love-Sal.

Rabu, 02 November 2011


I want a boy best friend who will call me beautiful, and like my photos on facebook, commenting them saying things such as fact he is proud to have me as a best friend. One that i can call up, crying about other boys, and him saying he'll beat the shit out of them for me. A boy best friend who will drive me around like he is my big brother, and kiss me on my cheek/forehead when he knows i'm upset. One who becomes friend with my boyfriend and one who call me up to see what i'm doing. I want a boy best friend who will tell me when i'm wrong, and force me into fixing things and apologizing because he knows that it will make things better for me. I just want a perfect boy best friend, who will love me, and protect me from all the other boys.



"If you don't have a time to check on me, I'll understand.
If you're too busy to call, I'll understand. 
If you're late on a date, I'll understand. 
If you don't keep a promise, I'll understand.
If you always pretending like there's nothing between us, I'll understand.
If you don't want listen to my story, I'll understand.
But if i'm stop loving you, its your turn to understand"

I'll always understand you. I'll try the best. But, i'm not that strong. My heart is fragile. You can't tore my heart apart into pieces. I'm really really begging you to understand. When i'm not there for you, its your turn to find another girl. You should know, no one will understand you, like i do.

I just want you to understand me. I just want you to listen all my story. I want you to do all the things that i do. 

I just want a happy ending story. I just want you to be my best boy friend. 

You should know, i love you so much. But if i'm leaving you, its your turn, to understand me :)

Kamis, 15 September 2011

Monte Carlo!

I want watch it!! T-T. Belum keluar dibioskop sini. sedih..
Silahkan yg mau liat trailernyaa! :]

Happy Lovely Day AzizahRarasatiWidhyadji!

Monday, was @rrarasati birthday!! &dongonya gue baru posting hari ini.. tdk apa2lah. cuma mau ngeshare foto! Once again, selamat bertambah umur Rara! Hugeee love 4 u! <3
A friend, is someone u can be alone with&hv nothing to do&not be able to think of anything to say&be comfortable in the silence. A friend is you, Rarr! Happy beer, blast, blessed, birth day, my Biatchyass..